
Spring Kit - Grain Saver Door fits John Deere fits Case IH fits International

$ 46.71

Availability: 78 in stock
  • Compatible Equipment Type: John Deere Combine, Case IH Combine, International Combine
  • Compatible Equipment Make: John Deere, Case IH, International
  • Part Type: Augers / Tubes / Accessories
  • Condition: New
  • Compatible Model: John Deere 9400, John Deere 7720, John Deere 9650, John Deere 6620, John Deere 9600, Case IH 2388, Case IH 1660, Case IH 1680, John Deere 9500, John Deere 9550, John Deere 9610, John Deere 9510, John Deere 9410, Case IH 1640, Case IH 2366, Case IH 2188, John Deere CTS, John Deere 9450, Case IH 2166, Case IH 1688, International 1460, Case IH 2344, Case IH 1666, Case IH 2144, International 1480
  • Brand: Aftermarket part for Universal
  • Additional Compatible Models: John Deere 8820, International 1440, Case IH 1644, John Deere 9750 STS, John Deere 9650 STS, John Deere CTSII, Case IH 1620, John Deere 9650 CTS, International 1420, John Deere 9660 CTS


    All of our new parts are aftermarket replacements. The use of original manufacturer's names and part numbers is for reference purposes only.
    Our goal is to have 100% positive feedback. If you have an issue with a product you've received from us, please contact us and we'll resolve it to your satisfaction
    Compatible with Case IH Combine(s) 1620, 1640, 1644, 1660, 1666, 1680, 1688, 2144, 2166, 2188, 2344, 2366, 2388
    Compatible with International Combine(s) 1420, 1440, 1460, 1480
    Compatible with John Deere Combine(s) CTS, CTSII, 6620, 7720, 8820, 9400, 9410, 9450, 9500, 9510, 9550, 9600, 9610, 9650, 9650 CTS, 9650 STS, 9660 CTS, 9750 STS
    All new, rebuilt and used tractor parts have a 1-year warranty
    All States Ag Parts Item No. 167596
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